Sinéad Williamson’s are the most beautiful and caring people you will ever meet. She is insanely talented in everything she does and sexy as fuck. She has beautiful brown wavy hair and deep green eyes. She may have some controversial opinions but everyone knows she is always right. She makes the best jokes and often shows her love by bullying her friends or significant other. She cares about her family more that anything and will do whatever it takes to protect and provide for them. She is the type of person who would risk their life to save a stranger with no hesitation. She is extremely empathetic and this often results in her crying during movies, or ads, or literally anything. Often Sinéad Williamson’s have traumatic childhoods but they heal from them and flourish into the most incredible and loveable human beings on earth. Sinéad Williamson’s always put others first and often lie about how they are feeling because they don’t want to burden others with their problems. Often suffers from severe depression but will never admit it nor show it to anyone. Despite her depressive episodes Sinead Williamson will always love life and will try her best to squeeze the most joy and happiness out of it as possible. Sinéad Williamson’s are also incredible singers but they think they suck and refuse to believe otherwise. Often an old soul who may speak as though they have lived for 100 years, always full of wisdom and knowledge. If you ever meet a Sinéad Williamson, never let them
John: Wow, that was the nicest person I’ve ever met!

Katie: Her name is Sinéad Williamson, what do you expect?
by imakethebestpasta May 29, 2022
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