(N.) The final episode of a TV series where all mysteries are solved and all questions are usually answered.
Most Series Finales come from arrogant networks canceling their time-tested quality shows for "New Viewers" and do not happen by choice. Only when a long-overdue-for-canceling show (Like "Friends") decides to actually stop doing episodes anymore, are Series Finales by choice.
A Series Finale doesn't count if a show has been on for less than One Season, or 13-22 episodes. So "The Will", "DotComedy", or "Life On A Stick" would not offically have a "Series Finale."
Most Series Finales come from arrogant networks canceling their time-tested quality shows for "New Viewers" and do not happen by choice. Only when a long-overdue-for-canceling show (Like "Friends") decides to actually stop doing episodes anymore, are Series Finales by choice.
A Series Finale doesn't count if a show has been on for less than One Season, or 13-22 episodes. So "The Will", "DotComedy", or "Life On A Stick" would not offically have a "Series Finale."
Beginning in 2004, networks started to cancel at least one of their top-rated TV shows, in order to boost ratings for next season. So when The WB's "Angel", UPN's "Star Trek: Enterprise" and Fox's "24" had their Series Finales, they weren't going to come back next year. EVER.
by G-Union Resurrection May 6, 2005