a creature not understood by modern science. in his own town, something that can barely get a girl to talk to him on intimate terms. yet away, in a foreign enviornment is a hook-up machine desired by more females than he knows what to do with. which is good, because he has a good field to pick from...because he's picky...yea. ANYWAY, back to the definition, right- He surpases his close relative, the P Falz in all areas of coolness, which is why he is not emo. also unlike P Falz he consumes large amounts of alchohol, something P Falz is thinking of doing, because he is bored, lonely, and wanting...and pissed about all three things.
He also makes short, to the point definitions. Probably because he has things to do where he is. It would be good if he didnt get pissed off while reading this, because rather than a definition, it has become and emo rant by the P Falz.
In short, Scottius Varianus is a cool creature who will be visited by the Pfalz in the coming months, if he came take his emo ranting.
GAWD DAMN! Sottius Varianus is one BAAADD pimp daddy.
by P Falz November 15, 2004
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