Sara Sarita is a creepy horror game where you have 2 coins. The rules of the game: you need a friend sitting across from you, you each have 1 coin, if you flip it and both of the coins land on heads that means yes, 2 heads means yes, 2 tails means no, 1 tails and 1 heads means maybe. To enter your game you need to say "Sara Sarita can we enter your game" then you flip the coins. Then once your in you can ask as many questions as you want. And to leave the game you have to do it the samme way you entered. And if you go more then 5 feet away from your friend playing with you... Your both cursed.
"Sara sarita can we enter your game"
"Sara sarita are you with us"
by a random Samoan person. September 11, 2020
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