A new suburb separating itself from the ghetto and the country. Home to Snobhalla and Rancho Ragers. The perfect distance from downtown, the beach, and the mountains. Mostly filled with white people or chaldeans racing around in their mercedes. Its the trendy thing to say you hate rancho, but those are the words of the spoiled children laying out in the beautiful weather and playing golf all day who don't exactly have enough brain power to entertain themselves.
I live in Rancho San Diego, not Rancho Bernanrdo and NOT Rancho Santa Fe
by LyleMelonie May 15, 2011
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Relatively new suburb of San Diego County nestled between the country and the ghetto. Area codes 92019 and 92020 and home of Valhalla and Steele Canyon High Schools. It's nice. Always something to do...like going to Target or Jamba Juice or Cuyamaca College. It is far from anything fun.
Rancho San Diego 92019 92020.
by Makemeasandwichbitch November 13, 2007
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Rancho is filled with a bunch spoiled chaldean kids and show off families. These people are known as rancho rats. Rancho is about 90% Chaldeans and the other 10% is white people who are wannabe Chaldeans. Even if you own three liquor stores or you have no money, you can’t tell because people will still drive a brand new Mercedes or bmw and the broke people will get it for a lease. Rancho is becoming the new El Cajon because everyone in El Cajon wants to be rancho so they’re all moving here. All the boaters are tryna move here like stay in El Cajon with st Michael please. Thank God I live in jamul !!
Yo where you live?

I live in rancho San Diego with all the rich kids!
by Chaldean September 13, 2023
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