Imbecilic but hilarious action. The final evolution of "Brain Fart". Doing something so dumb that there is no excuse and nothing to blame but Kyori herself. A Brain Fart would be pulling the door when the sign says "Push". However, Pulling a Kyori would be pulling the door when the sign says "Closed".
Friend1: Alright, now to build a snowman, you have to put a jack-o-lantern on top of the snow.
Kyori: Got it. *spawns lava without paying attention*
Kyori: And now I just put it on top like this?
Friend2: Yeah.
Kyori: *puts lava on top of the snow, causing it to overflow the entire house, burning it down and killing self*
Friend1: WHAT THE FUCK!?
Friend2: HOW DO YOU EVEN.....????
Kyori: I'M SORRY!
*Friend1 logs off Minecraft*
Friend2: Pulled a Kyori. *shakes head*
Kyori: .... :'^)
by UglyMugling February 5, 2016
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