Praise Gang is a group of malicious hackers formed in 2021. Founders of the group are lost and cChimney. Members of the group are chainy, User, slamsal, cassie, malak, and Alex. They've raided multiple Discord servers and have generated over 100k Discord accounts, selling their tokens for profit to users trying to bot their servers or raid other servers. lost likes to flood other token sellers websites with requests in attempt to keep it offline. Praise has made a lot of enimies in a very short period. Users that Praise Gang has angered include SoloDev, TrixTM, and Zen.
Guy: "Bro, you heard about Praise Gang?"

Other Guy: "Yeh, what they do this time?"

Guy: "They raided the official PornHub Discord server!"
by LostWithoutLuck September 30, 2021
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