1. A superior kind of bigot, that likes to play Paradox Interactive games, such as Hoi4, CK3 or EU4. Usually also a war criminal.
OH BOY!, I'm tired of those damm Paradox Gamers saying the N-word on the voice chat. I'm sure they want to do a genocide some day!
by Yo_Mama_XIIV July 13, 2023
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The belief that everyone on your team (in any game) sucks but you. Most gamers believe this. The paradox comes in when 2 players on the same team have this belief. Both cannot be true at the same time. Hence the paradox. Very prevalent in games with toxic communities.
Gamer 1: Dude my whole team sucks but me.

Gamer 2: Yo me too. Wait we’re on the same team…

Gamer 3: It’s the gamer’s paradox.
by Fredman14 December 30, 2022
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