Northern Irish Slang

Northern Irish slang includes:
"Craic" "Yeooo" "Shem" "Get her bucked" "Yer ma" "Pure beaut" "Ragin'" "Norn Iron" "Whataboutche?"

These words and phrases are usually incomprehensible to those outside of the bubble that is Northern Ireland.
Northern Irish Slang In Use!
Paddy: "Whataboutche? What's the craic?"
Paddy2: "Nohin much, just wrote this thing fer the craic about Norn Irish slang."
Paddy: "Pure beaut, shem"
Paddy2"Aye, so's yer ma, yeooo"
Paddy: "Ragin'"
Paddy2: "Get her bucked!"
by RaRaRataboutche September 22, 2010
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