A once-viral YouTube video that appeared to just contain footage of a beach, and some relaxing waves. However, 19 seconds into the video, it cuts to a Rick Roll, and continues for 35 seconds. Commonly used to prank friends.
by EllyterateProffesor August 31, 2018
It's a nice, relaxing video of ocean waves. Watch to the end for the full effect! Say in the comments of the video what you think. (It's not my video, though.) Have fun!
Ok, but in all seriousness, it's actually a Rick-Roll link specially designed for spamming in Zoom chats. I want to start a trend of spamming this stuff, so spam like you've never spammed before!
Ok, but in all seriousness, it's actually a Rick-Roll link specially designed for spamming in Zoom chats. I want to start a trend of spamming this stuff, so spam like you've never spammed before!
Hey bro, wanna click THIS? (Sorry, I can't put the link here. Just PrEtEnD...) Nice Ocean Waves is VeRy FuN...
by WrySquirrel3069 May 29, 2020