Somebody that uses excessive metaphors in their speech/work.
A: Inifite strands of glimmering ebony silk dances around the ...
B: Shut up you metawhore, it's called HAIR.
by accidental October 19, 2005
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One who uses metaphors, similie, or other figurative language in their writing and speech to an unhealthy degree.
Suzie: I am as exhausted as a dog who has just given birth to a litter of puppies.
Sally: You are such a metawhore.
Suzie: That is as juvenile as a fart joke.
by Merany August 31, 2007
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Tom: That girl is so whorish she would do jeffery!
Micheal: Nice metawhore
Tom: thanks
by tom beotch! May 10, 2007
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Cringe kids in the Genshin Impact community that only pull for characters that are overpowered and not because of their personality or gameplay.

They enjoy bulling ppl on the internet who use non-meta teams or characters that aren't literally broken like Hu Tao or Ganyu.
Player 1: "Dude why are you using Barbara DPS? She's such a trash character. I can do 3x your damage with my Level 90 Ganyu."

Player 2: "Metawhore, smh. Any character can easily beat all the content in this SINGLE-PLAYER game with the right artifacts and levelling."
by Barbruh DPS :pensive: December 9, 2021
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