Marryjane is a unique name, people usually refer to it as weed, but what they don't see is the double “R’s”. The difference in the name is a big deal because weed is not even close to what Marryjane is. Marryjane is actually very energetic when they must be. Marryjane is social and a listener, although they can get really nervous and shy they always ignore it and be a risk taker. Marryjane’s are leaders not followers, listeners not talkers. You need a Marryjane in your life, because aside from them helping you have a better perspective of youreself or the world, they help you understand all perspectives and respect them. When you understand, it gets better. One last thing, Marryjane’s don't agree with the “practice makes perfect”. We see the POV but we think thats fake. Marryjane’s think about it like this, practice doesn't make perfect it improves. Practice makes improvement.
After my therapy session I told this to my therapist, wow you understand me just like a Marryjane. Is your name by any chance Marryjane?
by Momosfacts September 2, 2022
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