A holiday where you work towards achieving your dreams, noted my many to be on March 4th "March Forth".
This holiday is used as an excuse to make an effort, take a risk, or refuse to let reasons come between you and your goals.
This holiday is used as an excuse to make an effort, take a risk, or refuse to let reasons come between you and your goals.
On March Fourth (March 4th), people make a special effort to improve their lives, improve themselves and "March Forth" toward their dreams and highest aspirations.
Some examples:
Anything you DO that makes you feel good!
Reading a book by an author you aspire to write like.
Writing 2 pages/entries/edits on that thing you've been working on.
Taking extra time to express love for your friends and family.
Calling a record-high number of clients, and asking for sales.
Taking the stairs to your floor or walking to the next bus stop.
Some examples:
Anything you DO that makes you feel good!
Reading a book by an author you aspire to write like.
Writing 2 pages/entries/edits on that thing you've been working on.
Taking extra time to express love for your friends and family.
Calling a record-high number of clients, and asking for sales.
Taking the stairs to your floor or walking to the next bus stop.
by AGS March 9, 2011