The accent us Mainers have, mainly up North. While we're enjoying a nice lobstah dinner with a side of blueberries, we have conversations like this:
"So how was ya visit to Bah Hahbah? I hope ya had a wicked good time."
"Ayuh. The Flatlandahs runnin' the hotel had this cunnin' cat with 'em."
"I also got to see Bob Mahley. It was a wicked pissah show!"
And no, not every Maine accent is quite this strong.
"Ayuh. The Flatlandahs runnin' the hotel had this cunnin' cat with 'em."
"I also got to see Bob Mahley. It was a wicked pissah show!"
And no, not every Maine accent is quite this strong.
by Thedocsgotsomebrains October 17, 2019