a man? with a penicl that can be used to write on paper or other white objects not black ones unless its a super duper gangster white penicl that write on black things like sreggin
i have a pencil man its so awsum i can write with it its like the shit homie
by b-rent December 20, 2004
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Taking a shit on a place, person or thing and then manually rolling it over that place, person or thing.
Justin took a shit on Eric’s deck then log rolled it into the pool.
by HamptonsInn August 23, 2020
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Cum and shit in a freeze. Roll it up before freezing and then place a girl in side and cum over her for a tasty topping
by Cucf June 29, 2021
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An extreme version of Coal-Rolling, but instead you find a group of liberals in a public place or a group of people with an opposing political view. You then commence defecating in your own pants. This is then followed by a joke of some sort usually pointing out that the act was a display of freedom. e.g. "What's that you think you smell?... That's the smell of FREEDOM!"
Hey, I went log-rolling on a bunch of guys in the lobby. It was so funny, but I have to go shower now.
by leequidbeef September 26, 2014
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