She lieks to do da cha cha. She has sweetcorn teeth and likes bawbag's on her face. When she says 'I love you' she means that she loves you in the saK. She smells of vomit and urine and dresses up with a strap on Stevie. You will find her in your bedroom at night, if you catch her that is. She likes to put her s'plasshole on young kiddies face like mmmmm. Lisa is a overrated, over priced park and ride. However, to ride.. you don't NEED to park. She likes to lick toenails and hear the crunch. She smells of garlic.
"Mommy, is that you?"
.."If I say yes, will you stop struggling and go back to sleep.."

*GRABS A LISA, Plucks all teeth.

Lisa Dalzell, your a queer.. get your Stevie out of my gob.
by hawyouitsme August 19, 2011
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