A dance, featured in the British comedy film The Inbetweeners Movie always to the tune of We speak no Americano by Yolanda Be Cool. The dance is ironic as all the moves are quite awkward and very simple, like a piss-take macarena. Sadly though, the dance is an inside joke with the majority of the uk, who have seen the movie, and as the film has not been released overseas, anyone from outside the UK will have no idea of the dance's funny origin, and just think they are being strange. If they had heard of the dance, or seen it before, the chances are that they have seen the British boyband One Direction perform it and incorrectly assume that they made it up, with humiliating consequences for any Brit abroad.
"...So I was at this club, not doing much, when suddenly 'we speak no americano' comes on, and simultaneously, everyone in the club starts doing the Inbetweeners Dance in sync! WIN!"
by Teacup May 12, 2012
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