The scale of rating a girl 1-10
1= Absoulte disgusting may aswell be a man
2= Bloody wouldn't touch her even if she was the last girl on earth
3= Only thing getting her the 3 is her personality
4= Disghusting af but would get with her when highly intoxicated
5= Nothing about them really
6= Nice but nothing special may have good hair or something
7= Decent gyal normally the nice kind but face ain't the best
8= Either good face and no body or vice versa
9= A penting that you would tap any day of the week
10= A gyal you would dream of getting got the body and face someone you want to bang before the end of the school lifetime
1= Absoulte disgusting may aswell be a man
2= Bloody wouldn't touch her even if she was the last girl on earth
3= Only thing getting her the 3 is her personality
4= Disghusting af but would get with her when highly intoxicated
5= Nothing about them really
6= Nice but nothing special may have good hair or something
7= Decent gyal normally the nice kind but face ain't the best
8= Either good face and no body or vice versa
9= A penting that you would tap any day of the week
10= A gyal you would dream of getting got the body and face someone you want to bang before the end of the school lifetime
by Absolute raucous August 28, 2016