A Sigma male bestowed with Giga levels of male grindset energy; a Sigma male that has transcended above all other Sigma males; the alpha male among sigma males; the absolute pinnacle of male grindset performance

If Giga Chad is to be considered SS tier and Sigma to be ranked SSS tier, then Gigma is SSS+ tier

Examples include but not limited to: General Radahn and his horse Leonard, Maliketh the Black Blade, Willem Dafoe, Bully Maguire, Keanu Reeves, Clint Eastwood, Austin Powers and Jason Statham
by J1T_ April 10, 2022
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A silly fun guy that jokes around a lot. Kind of perverted. Minor imperfections with appearance, not ugly enough to be a incel but not attractive enough to be a chad. Average height. Isn’t too skinny or fat, kind of in the middle. Gets along with everyone. Uses Reddit occasionally. Centrist.
Robert can’t really be defined as an alpha nor a sigma. He’s kind of in the middle but he jokes around a lot so I’d call him a gigma male.
by Gigma May 26, 2022
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