A "Fuck-Up Free Zone". Generally used ironically to imply last minute correction of potentially expensive errors without senior parties being aware.
"Oh shit Nick. I’ve noticed the senior management of our business are incapable of organising a piss up in a lake of Guinness meaning we didn’t realise which design had been finalised. Let’s just secretly botch this crappy logo onto the back of the box to ensure a Fuck-Up Free Zone."
by AuToMoDuLaTeD October 2, 2013
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A place in the office where sex with hookers are off limits. The origin is from the Wolf of Wall Street, Staring Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill, directed by Martin Scorceses.
During the hours between 9 and 6 Straton-Oakmont was a Fuck free Zone.

-Jordan Belfort
by Viscount Druitt January 10, 2023
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