Heardaboutya when he doesn’t get his way. Starts rumors about his ex to try and drag down her life even more than he already did. Biggest narcissist around, always thinking everything should be handed to him in life because he had a hard upbringing. Takes advantage of anyone he can prey on for as long as possible. Steals every given chance no matter how ‘good of a friend’ he claims you are to him. Demand sex because he deserves it when he wants it no matter if you’re in the mood or not and only worries about him getting his but could care less about you getting yours.
Heardaboutya is now a distantdickbeater as he couldn’t be bothered to take anyone else’s feelings wants needs or reasoning for anything into consideration. So now he just beats his meat at a distant waiting for the next person he can pray on.
by Scooter-Putt March 15, 2023
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