A group of people in a Discord server/community who behave overly wholesome to the point of arousing suspicion as to how they actually behave behind closed doors, or will behave upon a mask off moment. They're generally seen in groups, posting hugging emotes upon seeing other specific users, making comments like calling others cute in the midst of an on-going conversation, and a few others.

Although it isn't all that common for someone in a Discord Kitten Colony to secretly be terrible people, it's incredibly noticable when they reveal themselves as such: typically by either starting a flame war, having a meltdown, or saying something to get banned.
"What's up with all those guys posting the :cuddle: emote when seeing each other?"
"Oh, don't pay much attention to them, that's just the server's Discord Kitten Colony."
"Any specific users I should be concerned about?"
"The guy with a Zero-Two PFP secretly hates gay people and the guy with the Courier Six avatar likes lolicon. The rest are normal. Well, relatively normal."
by Idiotinfrontofadesk August 26, 2022
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