1. The act of holding others back, with no intention of gaining from restraining their peers.
2. Intentionally ruining something for someone simply for the joy of watching them suffer.

The word originates from crabs in a pot cooking. When some of the crabs try to escape from being cooked, one crab would grab the others, preventing them from escaping. That crab is called the crabstick.
Oh man, Shorty is such a crabstick!!

Shorty sucks you in like a dirty little crabstick!
by shortshort April 1, 2009
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adjective - relating to sushi bars, the act of getting an item of one's clothing stuck in the conveyor belt, usually resulting in a rather embarrassing circuit of the sushi bar as dictated by the speed of the belt.
"u might want to tuck ur tie in when we go for sushi later, u don't want to crabstick"
by buffetman March 2, 2009
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a person who for reasons only known to himself can live for 17 years on crabsticks alone. he realy likes them
jordan stop eating those crapsticks or you'll turn into captain crabsticks
by the one and only kyle January 18, 2005
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When I man, lets say over 40, takes his dick, infected with crabs(disease), and shoves it into a boiling bowl of Alfredo Sauce. Then When he screems in pain hes jumps up and down and sticks his dick into a woman's vagina, cooling it down.
Old Dude: "OW OW OW why would I do that!"
Old Dude: "I stick it in the hooker!"

Hooker: "What The FUCK!"

by MR. NOT NORMAL January 27, 2011
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A very cool YouTuber who should check out
Plural: CrabSticks on youtube
Person 1 “Bro CrabSticks Youtube is so cool you should check them out on ”

Person 2 “Oh my god yes they are so cool you should subscribe to them”
by Crabsticks March 15, 2023
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