A tiny Californian town in the middle of bumfuck nowhere that, for the springtime when the flowers bloom, is a tourist location. The climate is hot as balls, reaching temperatures of over 120 degrees fahrenheit. The town is populated primarily by old, alcoholic boomers who've pissed away all their dreams and potential and have come there to gain 200 pounds and rot. If Honey Boo Boo's mother's pussy stench was a town, that town would be Borrego Springs.
When the tourists are gone, Borrego Springs is a giant, run-down retirement home with nobody to watch the residents.
by IzBunyit September 18, 2019
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Strange place in the dessert of california where, al though very few visit , there is a store containing expensive brands. It's pretty close to Palm Springs
by youwontevencare December 13, 2016
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