Alivia Brown is “shy” chick who try’s to manipulate everyone but fails. She doesn’t have any friends because she lies to everyone. Her nickname is “Alivia Brown the wh*re of the town” and she lives by it. She’s gonna have three different baby daddy’s by the time she’s 35. Don’t date a guy in the area that she lives in cause they have definitely had sex with Alivia Brown. She also try’s to get with everyone’s boyfriends.
Guy #1- “What happened to you and Maddie? You guys seemed to be hittin it off pretty well.”

Guy#2- “She found out that I had sex with Alivia Brown when I was down bad a couple months ago…I regret ever doing it.”

Guy#2- “ Damn dawg, I did that too and I wanna cut off my penis because of it. I hate myself now.”
by Ching Chong Your Wrong July 2, 2022
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