This is what we call, "So bored that the person will literally burn their house down for entertainment." Seriously, how did you even get here? You started out with 1qw, then jump up to 2, then do 2we, then do 3er, and did that until you got to the end, and it made a nice little beat out of the keyboard presses as you did it. I honestly don't even know what to say other than, what the fuck? Like, are you okay bro? I'm seriously starting to get worried for you.
You: *types qwertyuioplaksjdhfgzxmncvb1234567890"

You: "It's not enough..."

You: *types 1209348756qazxswedcvfrtgbnhyujm,kiol./;p*

You: "It's still not enough!!!"

You: *digs deep into ass and finds 1qw2we3er4rt5ty6yu7ui8io9op0p-=\ and types it in urban dictionary and finds this definition*

You: "Ah, that's better."

Are you happy?
by Beasty2759 May 14, 2023
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