In the mortgage world, its when your loan is going perfect in the process and then all of a sudden it gets assigned to a certain person...
ME: Bruh...What happened to that sweet loan you had in process? Big Loan, PIW Slam Dunk Deal... What happened???

MLO: Dude - I dont even wanna talk about it. It got #buttstained. Now they dont even return my calls or anything! WTF happened on that call
by Mason Carbon Capital January 13, 2022
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The color left in underwear, bed-linen or elsewhere, usually in a streak.
Do you want your peanut butter spread thick, or just buttstain-brown?

I like the color of that table, not as dark as walnut, not as light as maple, more of a buttstain-brown.
by buggy October 20, 2005
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