Youssef is weird
by ImmaBoii March 9, 2020
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A person who has no life and eats chicken all day
I did nothing usefull today I feel like a Youssef
by Zxcs July 11, 2020
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The genius! The prophet ! The savior of humanity! The guy with a fat cock!
Look ! Youssef in the town and his big fat cock too !!!1!1!1
by Man who saves world March 29, 2019
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Youssef is a manly man that loves to play with kids. Mostly little boys that have small PP's.
Youssef is a paedophile that like little boys.
by Aswald Kalb December 7, 2019
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Youssef is a name that originates from the Middle East. Who ever is named "Youssef" is an incredible person and very kind. Although if the name "Youssef" is followed by "Ayoub" it means you're an abomination to society and should reconsider your pathetic existence.
Person A: "Oh my god, look it's Youssef!"
Person B: "Eww, that's Youssef Ayoub."
Person A and B: "I think I'm going to throw up"
by BigPanda47 November 21, 2021
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