a group of 8 people who are superior to any other friend group, are not snakes, are the best people to meet and are pretty swag😎
just a gang full of thirsty betches
by bahahsxbkefnd August 29, 2019
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1. Another way to say fucking bitch but sounding alot nicer and funnier.
2. Arizona Slang
That Viking Betch just stole my wallet
by Mskrtu July 21, 2008
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When you’ve been drinking at Barcelona Tapas for 4 hours and need CHEPS BETCH!
by Kiki5000 October 30, 2018
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The away that "preppy girls" or "preps" with thier funny voices say Bitch.
"OMG! Ashley, Emma is being such a Betch today!"
by sdbabiee13 July 12, 2008
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Adds emphasis to a defying statement, it does not have to be directed at an indivdual/group, but it can at times.
"Sheet betch, I ain't doin nothing unless I am getting paid"
by DetroitSlang May 14, 2003
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aka bitches.

its for the pansy girls who dont curse so it makes them feel bad action writing or saying this instead
she: i would so own those betches
by Amy Abbott February 10, 2008
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