A term in French cooking that translates to “put in place”
This means organize your ingredients
“He did his mis-en-place very well
by Vomitingseal1432 December 8, 2022
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That one Asian guy that looks like an egg. Asian cum simp. He was fated to be a cum stain. Even if born, he can still turn to a cum stain. The world is unprecitake
"Is that Quan En?*_*"
by Knjfrnkjnfesrnferknrjeksf January 29, 2022
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When you have to redo your internship.
"Oh you missed your internship, then you'll have to do en Idli"
by Mussmuss September 20, 2019
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an English translation of a French phrase meaning

"when the time, place, context and/or circumstances are appropriate for one to know something"
son: Dad, I'd like to learn how to drive a car, my older brother Jerry who is 16, i;s learning how to drive. Why can't I?

father: Oh. you'll learn en temps et lieux utiles, but, as of today, at the tender age of 13, you are definitely not old enough. Now go sleep tight.
by Sexydimma December 23, 2012
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an English translation of a French phrase meaning

"when the time, place, context and/or circumstances are appropriate for one to learn something"
son: Dad, I'd like to learn how to drive a car, my older brother Jerry who is 16, is learning how to drive. Why can't I?

father: Oh. you'll learn en temps et lieux utiles, all right but, as of today, at the tender age of 13, you are definitely not old enough.
by Sexydimma January 19, 2013
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an English translation of a French phrase meaning

"when the time, place, context and/or circumstances are appropriate for one to learn something"
son: Dad, I'd like to learn how to drive a car, my older brother who is 16, is learning how to drive. Why can't I?

father: Oh. you'll learn en temps et lieux utiles, all right but, at age 13, you are definitely not old enough. now, go to bed.
by Sexydimma March 26, 2013
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