phrase. Meaning you are very masculine, a player or a brute fiend...
So you scored with Amanda last night, eh steve?

Dude, chicks dig the long ball...
by Alex Johansson May 31, 2007
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phrase. Meaning you are very masculine, a player or a brute fiend...
So you scored with Amanda last night, eh steve?

Dude, chicks dig the long ball...
by Alex Johansson September 29, 2006
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when a man is old, over the hill. similaRr to the exp. long in the tooth.
How old is Larry? He looks a little long in the balls.
by Morton Hunt March 15, 2008
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A saying which is used when someone is in an awkward situation where male companions may be too close for comfort.

Usually this phrase will only be used in a joking fashion.

Litteraly meant, You are too close for comfort but it cant be helped right now.
Person 1 "Lets just get in the car, al be it way too close."
Person 2 As long as balls don't touch , It's not gay.
by No Name EVER April 16, 2021
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