Used to describe behaviour that is to be attributed to member(s) of the Illuminati.

Used to describe anything relating to the Illuminati.
"I shall report any Illuminatical behavior."

"WOW! That triangle is SO illuminatical!"
by illuminatedbaby October 13, 2016
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The illuminati is a real evil society they controls media, government, e.t.c. celebrities leave their morals and everything behind them going into the entertainment industry. They worship satan they sold their souls going in. Selena and Michael jackson did that and now they are in hell burn for eternity and many more and more to come.
Example: Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Ke$ha, Jay-z, Beyonce, Katy Perry, Azealia Banks, and many more.
They are VERY influentual and powerful.
These illuminatic celebrties are evil and deadly.
by Britney Jones July 25, 2014
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