Speak-singing like in Les miserables
We are spinging the lryics in the prologue of Les Miserables bro!!
by M-I-B April 8, 2019
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Sping is a portmanteau of the words Spunk and String (or Sperm and String) thus Spunk String becomes Sping. However, this can be misleading because Sping almost always consists of Dog Water.

Sping is described as a length of ejaculate (or pre ejaculate) that extends from the tip of one's penis to a foreign body, often an item of clothing (i.e. underwear). The presence of sping during a sexual encounter is often considered bad form and can lead to abandonment of the other party and, for the perpetrator, an uncomfortable case of Blue Balls.
I was about to have sex with James but when we got undressed I saw the longest Sping I have ever seen! Nasty.

Hey Marcus, I measured a Sping at 2 meters the other day, that makes me the new Sping King!
by Leighton Xander February 12, 2016
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watching a series in its entirety. Binging on a series in one sitting.
It's so hot out today, I'm going to spinge on black mirror in the air conditioning.
by Dee Nah January 2, 2017
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Verb; Adjective. Having many meanings, and used for lack of a better term in most scenarios. Used when no one word can describe the situation.
Steve: Did you see Julie last night??
Jack: Yea, that was spinging awful and disgusting!

What the sping?!?!

When Joe spinged the winning goal, we all screamed
by Whatthehellokitty December 24, 2011
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Another slang term for LSD.
Man, that was some great sping I had at that Dead show last night. Tripping hallucinating The Grateful Dead
by emtlauer December 30, 2016
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