one hit sensation on vine for making a phone call and yelling at the the receiver "deez nuts!" & "got eem". Later was arrested for sexual assault. Has weird buck teeth and caused a new "my dick" joke that everyone has their own variation on.
A)"hey did you see that funny ass vine where that guy with the weird af buck teeth yells deez nuts and got em at some guy?" B) "haha yah, the deez nuts guy?"
by xxmeghatronxx May 7, 2015
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Brumík Deez nuts is really similar to normal DEEZ NUTS but its a new version that a lot of people fall in instead of saying: this is older than your mum.
Person: Hey, do you know who is Brumík
Victim: No, who is he?
Person: Brumík Deez nuts!
Victim: feels really insulted...
by WhoCaresAboutMyNick March 15, 2022
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A term that is mainly used in which to describe the male reproduction system in a sense of humor.
Person 1: Hey bro do you like CD's?
Person 2: Sure why ?
Person 1: Then you sure would love to c-deez-nuts
Person 2: .......
by BARRACK - LEE OBAMA June 26, 2016
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ok so theres this pokemon called gible and if you place deez nuts in it it will get chomped
me: hi
him: hi
me: whats the non evolved version of gabite again?
him: gible
me: gible on deez nuts
by capythany March 28, 2023
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when someone tries to say deez nuts to you. You can say Trini-deez nuts to make them turn five years old in a split second.
Friend: HAHA dragon deez nuts across your face
You: Trini-deez nuts
Friend: *turns five years old*
You: HAHAHA you're a small boy
by corn_hub January 23, 2022
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A sexual thing you say to annoy someone preferably a friend
I like to suck on Deez Nuts Deez Nuts
by D74A7 June 1, 2015
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