A kind person that’s sensitive yet so out there, the kind of person who always can see the best in everyone and overall is a great person to be around. She Is only at her worst when she is mad and once she is there is no bouncing back until she’s happy again.
1“Hey is that grace Yates
2“Oh yeah she’s the one everyone wants to be around until she’s mad
by France bail August 9, 2020
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marley he is very strong and hairy , he is a big cock and has no friends ( fake friends) he knows no one likes him but his left toe, he eats hoovers and drinks lots of milk so his bones are big and strong, and he lovess James Charleses make up pallet, aslo he does mad roids and he loves asbestos in his eyes
wow Marley Yates is a door
by bigbumbob November 4, 2021
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Someone who you may think is an alien at first
Singer: “Did you see that alien playing the bass?”
Guitarist: “no that’s just Swole Yates!”
by Whip cream God May 20, 2019
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gay kid who is obsessed with hentai sovs
also he gay waut i mentioned that
Tyler Spencer-Yates, why is your profile picture an ahegao?
by an0nym0ose May 7, 2018
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A ginger who hates his mother and has a crippling nicotine addiction he loves food and hit puberty in the 10th grade he has a android phone with a messed up screen but that doesn’t stop him from Snap chatting his friend tristen Cox’s lover Lexi Starr he is usually made fun of by others and his best friend samuel hines let’s him stay at his house as long as he wants and play his Xbox at any time he works at jacks and hates his co workers he makes fun of dead people and will be a virgin forever
Guy 1: who is that

Tristen Cox: that’s Peyton Yates bitch
by Kingcrip July 15, 2019
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