That annoying song that gets stuck in your brain long past when you are enjoying it. It replays over and over and over ad nauseum, until you find a new brainsong.
Aauuugh - why did you start humming "Let It Go?" Now that's gonna be my brainsong for the rest of the day.

Dude, I've got to get another brainsong or that stupid "Let It Go" will make me nuts.

Hey Homey, do a bro a favor; start singing a catchy tune. I have to override "Let It Go" as my brainsong or it will haunt me all day.

One thing I can't figure - why do people keep doing spoofs of "Let It Go" on FB? Every time I hear that annoying tune it becomes my brainsong de jour.

I know what you mean man, if I even see the words, "let it go," that stupid song becomes entrenched in my mind as my brainsong.
by Sonograpappy April 11, 2014
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