1 definition by yahoo user

A user of Yahoo! Answers who once dominated the English speaking GLBT section with useful information. However, she has since practically disappeared off the internet, but remains a figure in Top Answerers section.
Resolved Question
Why are people so judgemental about a persons sexuality? their no different from eachother. ?
6 months ago

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
Because our society makes anyone who is not heterosexual into "the other". "The other" is a concept that can be used for any variable in life from sex to nationality or even if someone is a criminal. If we make someone into this concept of "the other" then we view them as different from ourselves even though we are the same as you said. It's been around since humanity existed. Ex: We did it to lepers since the dawn of time and now we have just expanded it.
by yahoo user September 3, 2012
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