2 definitions by were we came in?

Things i have done while procrastinating

1. Taken really good shits (when i felt like it)
2. Fucked many hot women (while sleeping)
3. Learned that Cattle are the only animal that pees backwards (From some obscure website)
4.Blown many a load
5. Pwned many a n00b in C&C Generals
6. Learned Stairway to Heaven (plus solo)
7. Eaten many a hot pockets
8. Listened to Hotel California over and over and over......
What great things we have accomplished from procrastination.
by were we came in? February 9, 2006
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Things i have done while procrastinating

1. Taken really good shits (when i felt like it)
2. Fucked many hot women (while sleeping)
3. Learned that Cattle are the only animal that pees backwards (From some obscure website)
4.Blown many a load
5. Pwned many a n00b in C&C Generals
6. Learned Stairway to Heaven (plus solo)
7. Eaten many a hot pockets
8. Listened to Hotel California over and over and over.....
What great things we have accomplished from procrastination
by were we came in? February 9, 2006
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