4 definitions by vedeloper

Me: Mom, I don't want to do my homework.
Mom: Do it, Jimmy.
Me: dOn'T mAkE mE rEE moThEr

*3 seconds pass*

by vedeloper September 9, 2018
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A Dirty Vik is when you have a large gangbang of 21 people in one room, no more, no less, who form a conga line while simultaneously fisting every person in the line from behind.
Hey, I got some friends to try a dirty vik tonight!

Dang, can I join?

You'd be the 22nd person... sorry.
by vedeloper May 20, 2020
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A Dirty Pinak is when you hang your girl from an overhead object and spin her around, poke her with a stick while you simultaneously play drums on her ass.
Hey, you wanna try the Dirty Pinak?

Yeah, I'm feeling kind of musical.
by vedeloper May 20, 2020
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T: This
H: Hell
E: Experience

F: Failing
I: Innocent
T: Teenagers
N: Needing
E: Excessive
S: Stress
S: Surrounding
G: Ghastly
R: Rumors
A: Appearing
M: Momentarily

And the real one...

P: Pressurizing
A: Adolescent

C: Children
E: Exerting
R: Resources

T: Terrible

E: Experience
S: Students
T: Take
Oh shit we have the Pacer test today...

*the Fitnessgram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic...*
by vedeloper March 22, 2018
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