1 definition by uwu/elliot

Dayna. She the one person in class that always eats your food. She's kind, cool, and sometimes can be a bitch. If you see her she will often be playing Minecraft. She will always be there for you and beat the shit out of you if you hurt her or her BFBAF. (best fucking bitch as friend) She loves gudetama, food, eating, and more gudetama! uwu

person 1: Dude do you see that girl?
person 2: Wow she's so Sugoi!!!
person 1: Ew dude, but yeah. I heard she will beat someone up if you hurt her or her friends.
person 2: I heard she will shove a gudetama up your throat

person 1: Let's not get on her bad side.
Dayna is a great person.
by uwu/elliot September 12, 2019
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