29 definitions by thisvexesme

A form of gender non-conformity, it is the act of not conforming to the pronouns typically associated with one’s gender. Examples of this include a woman using he/him pronouns or a man using she/her pronouns. Both cis and trans people can be pronoun non-conforming.
Person 1: Eric left his jacket! Will you bring it to him?
Person 2: Actually, Eric is pronoun non-conforming. So, yes, I'll bring the jacket to her.
by thisvexesme August 3, 2023
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An individual who believes trauma is a necessary component to developing into a plural system (as with DID and OSDD) and anyone who hasn’t experienced trauma (as with endogenic/non-traumagenic systems) is either lying or mistaken about their plurality. It is mostly used derogatorily and is modeled after the term transmedicalist. It is often shortened to sysmed.
Person 1: I find it a bit insulting that people claim they can develop into a system without trauma.
Person 2: Wow, I can't believe you're a sysmedicalist.
by thisvexesme August 3, 2023
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A movement consisting of those who oppose what they perceive as recovery* from mental illness and/or neurodivergence.

This is typically due to two reasons: (1) Recovery from mental illness/neurodivergence is seen as submitting to internal ableism and admitting that mentally ill/neurodivergent people need to be "fixed," and (2) A general mistrust in the psychiatric and health care systems.

*Recovery in this context does not mean a cure, it simply means coping/living with your illness/neurotype in a positive way.
I had to block some people on Tumblr because all my positivity posts about mental illness were swarmed by anti-recovery weirdos telling me I'm a big psychiatry bootlicker.
by thisvexesme July 29, 2023
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A trans-exclusionary form of homosexuality that refers to cisgender men who are only attracted to cisgender men. It is a troll orientation inspired by super straight and is not a valid orientation.
Person 1: I'm Super Gay so I will only date biological men!
Person 2: You know, you can just have a preference without making it your whole sexuality, right?
by thisvexesme August 3, 2023
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Coping mechanism in which someone reverts to a child-like state only in their behaviors while still keeping their typical non-regressed mindset intact; a form of age regression and sometimes abbreviated as Agedre
I'm gonna go color and watch cartoons 'cause I'm age dreaming right now.
by thisvexesme July 29, 2023
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An umbrella term for any identity that is defined as an alternative way of being human or to the common understanding of a human. Otherkin, therianthropes, and plural systems with non-human headmates can all be considered alterhuman if they choose to claim the term. Some may also just prefer to solely identify as an alterhuman and nothing else, but this is up to the individual's personal preferences.
Person: Whoa, why do you look like a robot?
Robot: I'm an alterhuman! Robotkin, to be exact.
by thisvexesme August 2, 2023
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TransID, more often styled as transid, is an umbrella term for any identity wherein one feels a specific aspect of themselves does not correspond to how they see it or how they believe it should be. For example, an individual whose transid is “transracial” would claim to be born one race but identify as another. The identities that fall under this term are modeled after transgender identity theory, though transids have no scientific backing and are largely rejected by transgender people.

Other examples of transids include: transabled (is able-bodied; IDs as disabled), transautistic (is allistic; IDs as autistic), transfat (is not fat; IDs as fat), transage (IDs as an age different to their actual age), etc.
Person 1: Oh, you have a transid? What is it?
Person 2: I identify as transracial! I was born white but my true self is black!
Person 1: I don't know, bro, seems pretty racist.
by thisvexesme August 4, 2023
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