1 definition by the big tc

1. n. someone who is obnoxious and idiotic at the same time

2.n. someone who is just generally annoying and loud

3. "thunder cunt"
-a noun: a particularly ferocious vagina
-a verb: the act of having your hands in a v formation around your crotch and then expelling them forward with a sense of victory of defiance
1. Did you see that that girl just blow off her boyfriend to hang out with her friends, what a belligerent thunder cunt.

2. He is such a belligerent thunder cunt, all he does is blab about his Harvard degree.

3. 1. That Heather is wild, she must have one hell of a thunder cunt. 2. After the tennis match, the doubles team gave their opponents the thunder cunt, just to put them down.
by the big tc November 12, 2009
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