2 definitions by taconatscats (duh)

It’s in the name- look out- he’s gonna sit on you with those thick thick thighs. Whenever you here the phrase “jamjam”, you better run because they are referring to this monstrosity. Anime girl x godzilla
That’s a jamiltheskil moment right there, you better take a u turn and get the fuck out of there

Jamham in a skirt <3
by taconatscats (duh) August 23, 2021
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A player with a suspicious knowledge of boy parts, while confessing to be female, often only girl in the gang. See catfish and tomboy. Often seen in multiplayer games.
"damn, I found another taconatscats today"
"careful bro The tacocat is back again"
by taconatscats (duh) March 10, 2021
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