2 definitions by random things 👁👄👁 💜💜💜

people named Sophia are the BEST people in the UNIVERSE and are usually cancer (the zodiac sign). Sophia is very kind and she is a QUEAN she is ALWAYS nice and if she is being mean to u then you are so dead she DESERVES everything good soooo DO NOT MESS WITH HER or else you WILL go home with no kneecaps she does everything for a reason and is usually kind so even if she says that you don't need to get her a gift for her B-day,... GET HER A GIFFFFFTTTTTTTT!!!!
OMG is that Sophia 💜 she is so kind and popular I'm going to go talk to her 🥺😆
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u r verrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyy bored like extremely bored EXTREMELYYYYYYYYYY BOREDDDDD and u r properly on zoom
just like me when typing 1qa2ws3ed4rf5tg6yh7uj8ik9ol0p;
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