1 definition by pineapplepeach2000

Yui is a Japanese name that was most popular in September 2009. In Japan, there are many different ways to right it because of different kanjis. So that changes up the definitions a lot. For example, in Japanese, you can right yui in a kanji called yu and a kanji which means to be born. When the words combine the simplest definition is "god will protect you since you were born". The definition I just said was to this kanji 祐生 which is Yui in English. Hope this helps :-) (just a reminder that I gave one example on how to right Yui as a kanji. There are many more ways!! ) :-)
祐生/Yui was a popular name in September 2009 in japan
by pineapplepeach2000 January 11, 2021
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