1 definition by pillowfightwars

An absolute bitch that will use you and slag you off behind your back but acts like you’re best friend when you’re around, she’s one of the worst people you will ever meet and will make your life a living life. She is extremely negative and picks on anyone she sees, she literally doesn’t know how to be nice, she’s controlling and will make you feel like nothing whenever you’re together, she never really loves her boyfriends she just gets them to say she has one, she is so fucking toxic and will make you feel insecure when you’re together, she will pick on you and point out your flaws without giving a shit how you feel, she’s such an attention seeker it’s crazy, she will always say that if you’re sad, she’s ten times worse! if you have a Caitlin in your life, get her out off it, she will fuck your head up and make you feel like utter shit for so long
Caitlin: I’m so fat, look am I fat?

Friend: No not at all you’re beautiful

Caitlin: Yeah I know, you look a bit fat tho, jokinnnngggg
by pillowfightwars January 3, 2020
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