1 definition by partygirl/stalkergirl

a big bitch thats short of temper that doesnt know when to stop talking. also, she tries to get in on conversations but everyone tries to ignore her and she mumbles. her doctor just realized that she has a weight problem and has assigned a calorie book. so damn annoying and tries to be better than anyone else. never in a good mood yet always says "im not in a good mood today". eats a big ass lunch but still asks people for more. never does homework and asks everyone else for it and ppl relunctantly gives it to her. i dont know how anyone can stand her yet she has a boyfriend. although, hes a stupid korean guy so it kind of makes sense. i wont mention her last name in case she finds out and comes to eat me, but her first name is alicia.
that stupid bitch alicia just ate dana because she told her to calm down
by partygirl/stalkergirl March 18, 2009
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