1 definition by nuclear coffee

acronym for Middle Lane Moron: a driver who does not keep to the inside lane unless overtaking on a multi-lane highway, in countries where this rule applies (mostly used in the uk), sticking religiously to the middle lane instead. MLM's cause frustration or even road rage to other drivers who are driving faster (for typical MLM's, this is most drivers), as passing them requires superfluous lane changes and inefficient use of the road (passing on an inside lane, or 'undertaking', is illegal), causing congestion. Also known as members of the MLOC (middle lane owner's club). Related - and even worse - are OLM's (outside lane morons), who stick to the outside lane, as legally passing is impossible.
forum member #1: What driving habit annoys you the most?
forum member #2: MLM's. Get back in the f**king inside lane where you belong you t**t

(for an example of a OLM causing road rage google "ferrari 458 rams fiat 600 driver off road)
by nuclear coffee January 5, 2011
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