1 definition by miss vanjie

A trend that hit gay culture by storm!
Vanessa Vanjie Mateo, the first queen to be eliminated this season, made an impression on the fans with her larger-than-life attitude and her interactions in the workroom with the other queens.
But it was after the queen found herself sashaying away from the competition that a meme was born. Walking backwards down the runway and jooshing her hair, Mateo exclaimed the now-iconic phrase “Miss Vanjie” three times before finally departing the competition. Her fabulous exit sent the Internet into a tailspin, constantly referencing and joking about the moment until people who didn’t watch Drag Race started questioning what “Miss Vanjie” meant.
Gay culture is exiting a room backwards and saying “Miss Vanjie.... Miss Vanjie...”

My intention is to always come from a place of love, but sometimes you just have to get Vanjie with a motherfucker.

Always be yourself. Unless you can be Miss Vanjie. Then always be Miss Vanjie
by miss vanjie April 2, 2018
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