1 definition by lucky bro

A female that is incredibly energetic and outgoing. Usually partakes in a wide range of activities and interests and is always willing to try something new. She is very sexy though is not the type to ever flaunt it. She is classy, intelligent, unique, and overall a well rounded girl. She will have you rolling on the floor in laughter within the first 5 minutes of meeting her, and it's obvious she is comfortable in her own skin. If you can land a Brindley as your girlfriend you have reached G status. Be careful though, all your bros will become craving animals when she comes around. And if you date her you will for sure be subjected to trying a billion new things you'd never go near... like contra dancing. Don't judge.
Not-as-lucky bro: "Who's that chick longboarding around campus all the time?"
Lucky bro: "Brindley. I met her at the rock wall and we're going to some random pasta place I've never heard of tonight."
Not-as-lucky bro: "Blast."
by lucky bro June 23, 2011
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